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Category: 2014
Written by: Nick Jack
Hits: 477

One of the most common areas people experience chronic pain is in their wrist and fingers. There are many reasons for this ranging from auto-immune inflammatory conditions, to over-use and repetitive activities, to traumatic accidents in sports. Your hands are made up of lots of little bone connections and are particularly vulnerable to pain and swelling when something goes wrong. Also the fact that you need to use your hands to complete many of your daily tasks, greatly diminishes their ability to heal. Therefore, it is critical that you find ways to combat the ongoing stiffness and pain with exercises to restore their mobility and strength to avoid disrupting your entire life. In this article, I will discuss some great exercises you can use to do this and the best part is they are great at preventing problems if you don’t have anything wrong with your hands!

Category: 2014
Written by: Nick Jack
Hits: 895

Many people believe that exercising on an empty stomach is one of the best ways to speed up their fat loss as the body will have to use fat for fuel as the body is deprived of glucose to fuel their workout. With the rising popularity of using intermittent fasting as a dietary method this belief has increased even more in recent years as many people adopt fasting before working out. While there does appear to be some benefits to doing this it is not without some drawbacks that could counteract any benefits it may provide. Once again there is no definitive answer to this question as it really depends on several factors unique to each person. In this article, I will look at the pros and cons of using this eating strategy so you can determine if it is best for you.

Category: 2014
Written by: Nick Jack
Hits: 1209

Of all the articles and videos I have done over the last 18 years the most popular ones seem to be about knee pain or hip pain. One question I have been regularly asked recently about knee pain is, how good is walking backwards for strengthening your knees? In recent years this type of exercise has grown in popularity on the internet and also among many therapists as an exercise to prescribe their patients with for strengthening of the knees. I can see how it appeals to so many people with knee pain as it requires no equipment, minimal skill, and can be done almost anywhere. The big question is how effective is it really when it comes to strengthening the knees to get rid of pain? While there are some positive benefits to using this, there are several problems I believe are overlooked that would be better resolved with other exercises. In this article, I explore this exercise in more detail and challenge my bias to see if it is something that I may be underestimating.
