CategoriesLateral Pelvic Tilt Leg Length Discrepancy

How To Correct Lateral Pelvic Tilt & Leg Length Discrepancy

One of the most difficult forms of muscle imbalance to correct is the lateral pelvic tilt which is often associated with a leg length discrepancy. When the pelvis is not maintained in a square and level position the body compensates by shifting the hip of the supporting leg out to the side, rotating the lower limb inwards, forcing the opposing side of the shoulder to collapse. The body will be always want to maintain an erect head position with eyes level and will sacrifice anything in order to achieve this. This is often where many people are diagnosed as having one leg longer than the other (leg length discrepancy), as this is what appears to be the case upon examination of their posture. However, in most cases the bones of the legs are the same length and it is the muscular imbalance at the hips creating the appearance of one leg being longer than the other. Apart from the immediate problems felt at the hips and loss of function with walking and running, this poor pelvic position places tremendous pressure on the spine, and can lead to development of scoliosis and even shoulder pain. Failure to correct this condition will eventually lead to a lifetime of chronic pain that severely impacts daily activities. In this article we will take a look at what causes this problem and the exercises you can use to prevent or correct this condition.