CategoriesPatella Instability Strength Exercises

Top 5 Strength Exercises For Patella Instability

If there is one thing I am asked almost every day is, “what are the best VMO exercises for my knee”. And I must admit I hate writing these articles that label things the “best” as there is no definitive best exercise for everyone, only the best exercise for you. Some people the missing ingredient may in fact be stretching or a mobility drill, others it may be a technique tip with how they squat or run, and others it may be strengthening an area that is very weak. The real secret to knee pain and patella instability is identifying your weakest link using in depth assessments, and the results of these tests will determine your program. If you do this right you will find the real problem is not anywhere near the knee! Having said all that I am going to share with you in this article the 5 most effective and commonly used VMO exercises I have successfully to treat knee injuries over the last 13 years as a rehabilitation trainer with both sporting athletes, and everyday people with knee pain.