
Lunges Are Essential For Your Fitness Success. Read This To Find Out Why

Many people are not big fans of the lunge and the main reasons are, that is hard to do and that it really hurts your muscles quite quickly leaving you with the muscle soreness for days afterwards. However, if I could only do one exercise, it would be the lunge, and this article I will show you why. The strength gains you get from just a few sets of these is incredible but the benefits to your body are much more than just stronger legs. When people ask me “why do I need to do lunges” or even worse, “I have been told lunges are bad for your knees and not to do them”. I then explain that without the lunge you lose your ability to move efficiently and will not be able to get up off the floor! Meaning that getting out of bed or being able to get to ground as much as get back up, now is going to become impossible. If you don’t believe me try for yourself to get up off the ground onto your feet without using what looks like a lunge stance at any point. You will need to have some gymnastic skills to do this without the lunge. But how does this happen and why does it seem to hurt much more than other leg exercise like squats, the leg press or even step ups? The reason is due to poor posture, meaning the lunge is actually correcting your poor posture. Which brings me to my first reason why lunges are so important to fitness success.