CategoriesRomanian Deadlifts Treating Hip & Back Injuries

Why Romanian Deadlifts are The Key to Treating Hip & Back Injuries

Anyone who has read any of my previous articles about injury in the hip or knee region will know how much I emphasise using the Romanian deadlift (RDL) to correct movement dysfunction and muscle imbalance. The deadlift is such a great way to improve hip mobility while simultaneously improving core stability of the spine and gluteal strength of the hip. While the traditional deadlift is a great exercise, the single leg deadlift takes the movement difficulty up a notch or two as the stability and strength with the hip, knee, ankle, and feet are challenged to their full potential. Just like the single leg squat, this exercise demands perfect position for movement, as any deviation from optimal alignment will often see a person fall over to one side. In this article, I will explain exactly why this exercise is so good for treating nasty hip injuries like femoral acetabulum impingement (FAI), and lateral pelvic tilt, but also with back injuries like herniated discs, and SIJ dysfunction. I will also provide you with some excellent progressions to use to further enhance its relevance to sports and daily life. It really is the ultimate lower limb exercise to use in your training and should make up the foundation to build your workouts upon.