The Coronavirus lock-downs of 2020 have seen a massive change in the way people improve their health and fitness and the massive overnight evolution of Online Training saw many personal trainers scrambling to find a way to help their clients. Online training is nothing new to myself as I have been using software for this since 2009 and have connected with people all over the world since then. For a long time I avoided trying promoting this on the internet for I simply did not have enough time or energy to cater for the demands this type of work entailed.

However, since April 2020 I had a large amount of requests and I have now begun to change my business structure to allow time for consultations and online programs for people all over the world.

Online Zoom Training

How It Works

The first session involves a 60 minute Zoom call with myself where I try to find out as much information about you as possible. For example I will need to find out things like:

  • What are your goals?
  • Do you have an injury at the moment?
  • What previous injuries have you had?
  • Do you have any other health problems?
  • Have you seen or are you seeing a therapist?
  • What exercise program are you currently doing?
  • What equipment you have access to?
  • How much time do you have to train?

I may also ask about nutrition and other lifestyle factors if it is relevant to your objective.

During this call I will also ask you to perform several exercise assessments for me to determine what type of program you will require. These tests will vary from person to person as it all depends on the nature of your goals and needs. Sometimes I will email you prior to the call with a series of tests to complete yourself so I can ask you the results of these during our meeting.

Once we have had the call I will then create your Online Program.

Creating The Program

Exercise Programs that I write for you will be available for you to view complete with video clips and descriptions to view online, printable summaries that you can take into the gym, a place where you can record your workouts and view reports of your progress.


Click here to see a video of this in action.

These programs allow for you to execute every exercise EXACTLY the way I would show you in the gym.

We know that exercise technique is vital to the success of your training program and to be honest this is possibly the main reason people get in touch with me in the first place. Firstly they are not sure of what to do, and secondly they are not sure they are doing the exercises correctly either.

The Ptenhance software helps me to overcome both of these problems and give you 100% certainty and confidence in your training program.

The most difficult part comes down to me trying to determine the right exercises and methods. This can be quite difficult at the best of times and I may need several follow up consultation to be certain we are on the right path. With over 15 years of experience of training with people with all types of injuries and even professional athletes I have an extensive amount of knowledge to fall back on. This is what has allowed me to work successfully for this long in this very complex and tricky field within the health and fitness industry.

I do not claim to have all the answers, but I do claim to endlessly pursue a solution to your problem and work with you until you reach your goal.

To book a session all you need to do is send me an email and we can discuss where you are located in the world to get the right time zone and then find out what the best time for each of us is. For all ongoing review sessions this same process will apply.

Click the image below to send me an email to find out more and schedule a call.

An Online Training Success Story

“I discovered Nick at No Regrets by absolute luck. Every day I ran for 20 years, it was my passion but I’d started to get intense knee/patella pain. I was only in my late 30’s. After trailing around visiting every expert I could find I eventually ended up having major knee surgery but a few weeks after the surgery it become very clear it had changed nothing. All the experts, the physio’s and the podiatrists I had seen at the time were not able to clearly identify the cause. During a particular frustrating day I stumbled across some google reviews for Nick at No Regrets. Without trying to sound too dramatic it changed my life.

Because of my past history and complications including my back I decided to make the flight interstate to visit Nick in person. After an initial consultation, we have since continued to work together through the phone every six to eight weeks adjusting my fitness program.

I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say that my body felt very broken when I initially met Nick. I had no strength in my legs from years of only running and a locked up thoracic spin /back. Through Nicks incredible knowledge and practical experience, he immediately determined what the issues were and it wasn’t my knees. He helped me build strength slowly using exercise I could actually do and that didn’t blow my knees out.

Every six to eight weeks I make a call to Nick and we walk through the exercises he has given me detailing where I found complications or what I found easy. The programs have always been super interesting because they challenge you mentally and physically, keeping you engaged – people at my gym often comment on them.

I am now the strongest and healthiest I have ever been. Where simple things caused me pain and were unachievable I am now able to do so much I could never manage, like long hikes and riding my bike with the kids.

I’ve met a lot of people in my time in the fitness and rehabilitation areas and Nick has knowledge like no one I have ever met. He’s incredibly generous with his time and always responds to any query with detailed help and information. I would be absolutely lost without his help.” – Catherine Cantwell

Cost Of These Sessions & How To Pay

These sessions are 60 minutes in length and cost $120 (AU$)

After the session a Pay Pal invoice will be emailed to you for payment within 3 business days.

Ongoing sessions are booked via email on an individual basis.

Downloadable Programs

In addition to this online service we also provide instant downloadable programs for various areas of need. Back in 2014 I began to document ALL of my assessments, methods I use for exercise choice, program design and progression of programs I was using successfully with injury and rehabilitation. This is where our Online Shop was born and where we went and created several 60-90 minute videos with step by step instructions for designing effective programs for health problems. The videos and PDF reports you can instantly stream to your device and not wait for DVD or paperback book to be delivered that not only would cost more, but takes over a week to get to you.

We created several key programs and they are:

How To Strengthen The VMO & Knee

This professional video features over 60 minutes of step by step instruction to help you on your way. Featuring actual No Regrets rehabilitation clients, it will show you what is possible with the help of this comprehensive and easy to follow program. The manual to accompany the video contains simple and straightforward assessments that you can perform safely at home (and without the need for expensive gym equipment).

This program is packed with helpful, proven information based off years of research and practical application. This is NOT theory about what ‘should’ work. This is the real deal, tested and proven to work exceptionally well. We have been in the fitness and rehabilitation business of over 13 years, helping over 1,500 people achieve their health and fitness goals. This is our most popular program.

CLICK HERE to see more about what is in this program or watch the preview trailer below. And if you want to purchase this straight away click the button above to go straight to the shop.

Kneepain toolkit 4 banner

Piriformis Syndrome Video & Book

In this video we show you some of our more complex assessments & exercises we have used successfully for over 13 years now.

Piriformis syndrome is such a tricky injury to work with, as there is so many compensatory patterns and muscles at work it is hard to find the “real cause” of the problem. We show you in great detail many of the assessments and tests that determine what is the best choice of exercise to use and along with 60 minutes of viewing time, and the PDF report complete with instructions and 6 step by step programs to follow, this gives you all the tools and knowledge necessary to complete this complex rehab process. By putting the principle of this program together we are sure you will get rid of this pain in the butt once and for all.

CLICK HERE to see more about what is included in this program or watch the preview trailer below.

Back Pain Secrets Video & Book

Back pain is so common these days, it is estimated that 85% of the population will suffer with a severe case of back pain at least once in their life. Relying on medication, therapy and worst case surgery merely treat your symptoms without ever finding a long lasting successful outcome. Many people know the benefits of building strength into the core and learning how to move better for preventing back pain, they just don’t know how to do this safely, and what is best method for their body.

In this video we answer these questions in great detail and show you some of our more complex assessments & exercises we have used successfully for over 13 years as Corrective & Rehabilitation trainers. You get a detailed version of assessing your weaknesses and finding where to start. Then we explain what stretches and exercises to do, based on your test results. We show you how you can categorize back problems into 2 key areas, and why knowing which one you are helps the healing process significantly.

By far our most comprehensive education video with 90 minutes of viewing time, that includes a detailed appendix of exercise videos to reference and along with the Free 82 page ebook with instructions and 6 step by step programs to follow.

Shoulder Pain PDF Report

Out of all the injuries to work with, shoulder and neck pain would be the most difficult. There is just so many factors that contribute to pain, it is no surprise this injury is so common.

Many rehab programs fail to recognize that the shoulder joint is very unique and a delicate process of choosing exercises is required. The shoulder is the most dynamic joint in the body which is great for performing athletic movements like throwing a ball or serving in tennis, but this incredible mobility comes at a cost to the stability of the joint. Even though this report is about the shoulder many times we’re not really looking at the shoulder. It’s really about how the entire system works together.

This report firstly explains the 3 Key Concepts to shoulder function, how to assess and correct the underlying cause of the problem and how to integrate movements with the rest of the body. We provide 95 pages of material and each exercise, mobility, stability and important topic there is a link to a video placed within the text to guide you on exactly how to complete the program. At the end of the book is a 6 phase program that takes you through each of the important steps, we know and have proven to work for over 12 years. It is time to stop putting up with your pain and get rid of it for good!

Click here to see more about this program and watch the video trailer below.

Little Black Book Of Training Secrets

Far too many people use the same exercise with the same intensity, whether it is sets, reps, distance run or times per week to train, ALL THE TIME. At first your program is great but soon you adapt to it and it all feels the same.

To get results with your exercise program it needs to have constant changing and progression in order for the body to change. This ebook with over 130 pages of information solves this problem. And with over 100 different programs that include chapters for Strength, Sports, Older Adults, Rehabilitation, Core Strength, Functional Strength and even running, cycling and triathlon programs, there is something for everyone! These are some of the most successful methods used by professional athletes & health professionals that are not common knowledge to most. Simple easy to follow programs, pictures and explanations for each are included that include beginner and advanced abilities.