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Health & Fitness Newsletters 2017-2019

Written by: Nick Jack
Category: 2014
on 16 May 2015
Hits: 8427

Health Tips On Exercise, Nutrition & Lifestyle Habits To Guarantee Success

Welcome to our page of Newsletters you can download to your computer and print off to read at home in comfort. These are packed full of some of our best tips and a snapshot of what we at No Regrets have been working on each month. There is so much confusion regarding how to get Healthy, in particular with Nutrition. The articles we share in these newsletters cut through all of this confusion and provide people with the "truth" about what really works and how you can start implementing changes in your lifestyle right now. Our client of the month feature is by far our most popular article and shares the best success story from the previous month. Many of these real life stories are the reason for inspiration with many of our clients and give you a real glimpse that nothing is impossible, you just need a good plan designed by someone who knows how to get there. I hope you enjoy reading these as much as we enjoy writing them and sharing some amazing stories and our secrets on how we have been able to stay fit and healthy for all of these years.