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Category: 2014
Written by: Nick Jack
Hits: 7279

Neck Pain and Back Pain are some of the most debilitating, stressful and life changing injuries anyone can suffer from. And when the pain remains for long time and becomes chronic it can affect your work, home life, it can even affect your relationships as it changes your moods and ultimately starts to wreck your life in more ways than one. This means having a program to firstly prevent chronic pain, and secondly to rid yourself of pain if you already are in this situation is critical. Unfortunately most therapists and rehabilitation programs focus only on removing the pain, or treating the symptoms. This WILL NOT help the chronic pain sufferer at all because it has not addressed the real problem or the cause of the pain. After spending 12 years of working with hundreds of clients who suffer from all types of chronic pain, sciatica & piriformis syndrome, bulged disc in neck or low back, knee problems etc, I have found that there is a common theme in the people who get on top of their pain, versus the people who continue to suffer and go from therapist to therapist, searching for the magic pill that we all know does not exist.

Category: 2014
Written by: Nick Jack
Hits: 15423

We have spoken about Strength Training For Older Adults many times before, and the value not to just to our muscles and bones but our overall health and well being. When we say exercise can slow the ageing process we are not necessarily talking about how you look, but more how you function in life. When an older adult comes to see me for the first time and in many cases are very stiff, lack confidence walking up and down stairs, balance is a huge problem and they are noticeably weak, and they feel as if it is too late. Some are on powerful medication with damaging side affects that are merely treating symptoms and speeding up their rate of disability. In many cases older adults are often treated by society as it is too late and an inevitable part of getting old. But it is very important to realize that it is NEVER TOO LATE and that older adults are not merely the sum of their chronic diseases. And they should never be treated as such. Nor should it be assumed that just because they are older they are going to have a whole bag of disease conditions. They may, but they might not. The most important part of understand about exercise is, its impact on "functional capacity" which is what I am going to talk about next. This article we are going to show you real life examples and give you proof of why we ALL should be using Functional Strength Training methods to live a healthier life.

Category: 2014
Written by: Nick Jack
Hits: 13112

One of the most popular questions I am often asked is, “My exercise program is not helping to lose belly fat, what exercises are best to help me?” My answer usually is something like, “how do you handle stress, and what is your food like?” This prompts a confused look from the person asking the question as they were hoping I could give them some miraculous training program to give them a six pack. In my 15 years as a personal trainer this question is without a doubt the most frustrating thing I am regularly asked as there are so many people with the belief that they can exercise their way to good health. We see this all the time, the person who destroys their body with endless cardio sessions to get sweaty but never changes in appearance. It almost seems that the harder they workout the worse they get. The people who struggle to lose the gut no matter how much exercise they complete need to recognise their solution is not a new workout, or more intense training, but adopting more effective strategies of handling STRESS and eating quality NUTRITION. In this article we are going to give you the secrets to getting rid of the gut if you are someone stuck in this rut of not getting anywhere no matter what you do.
