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Category: 2014
Written by: Nick Jack
Hits: 8080

Designing a Fitness Plan that gets results must be based on a series of tests and follow a set of easy to follow rules. What is the saying, "If You Fail To Plan, You Plan To Fail". This is so true within the fitness industry as so many people are doomed for failure before they have even started! When starting a new exercise program it is quite common for people to jump right in to exercise that is way too hard for their body because they are so motivated and want to get results RIGHT NOW! Using fitness methods to get healthy will never work. The method of going hard too soon will guarantee you an injury, or illness which by the way is the worst thing that can happen to you, because if you get hurt or sick you stop training! This article I am going to share with you the secrets of how to design not only a plan that works, but guarantees you long term success and keep you healthy, and fit, so you can live the life of your dreams.

Category: 2014
Written by: Nick Jack
Hits: 10116

The Deadlift is known in the Fitness world as the "king of postural correction and strengthening glutes" and would have to be the most effective exercise for building strength in the Posterior Chain muscles, (commonly known as back, glutes and hamstrings) as an integrated unit. It is by far our most popular integrated Postural Corrective training exercise we use in the gym, and it is fair to say it would also be the favourite for most Strength and Conditioning Coaches and Personal Trainers. However it is also associated with serious injuries like Herniated or Bulging Discs! The fact that this movement is performed poorly in life and even worse in the gym is why we have put together this article so you can learn how to Perfect your Deadlift Technique. This is also one of the Key Movements you must be able to perform in order to have a smart body that suffers no injury and improves in performance. The Deadlift's emphasis on the posterior muscles in the legs and the back makes it a very important exercise for most people for this is also their weakest link.

Category: 2014
Written by: Nick Jack
Hits: 9684

One of the biggest hurdles people face in maintaining an exercise program is simply finding the time to do it. People are still under the impression that you must devote hours and hours of endless cardio sessions to get fit! This does not have to be the case if you have the right knowledge and plan as you can cut your workout time significantly and reap even better benefits. How? By using Interval training, which also goes by other terms such as anaerobic, burst, or High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). When you break your exercise session into short segments that alternate high intensity with a rest period in-between, it can dramatically improve your cardiovascular fitness and fat-burning capabilities in a fraction of the time. The big mistake with activities like running, cycling, swimming etc  is when you burn fat. Once you pass the 15 to 20 minute mark, you start burning fat during exercise. This may sound like a good thing, but what this tells your body is that you need fat to burn as fuel during exercise. As a result, your body will make and store more fat to prepare for your next run or aerobic workout -- a never-ending cycle making it difficult to get rid of that stubborn fat that never seems to go away.
