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Category: 2014
Written by: Nick Jack
Hits: 2066

Most people would rate the value of a strength training workout by how much sweat they have produced, or how sore they are the next day. While it is good to work up a sweat and know that your muscles have been worked hard, this is not the only way to measure the effectiveness of your workout. In some cases this can even be detrimental to your health. What are more beneficial ways to measure the effectiveness of your workout? There are several important signs you should be aware of to determine if your workout hit the sweet spot and deliver the best health and fitness results to your body. In this article, I will discuss what these signs are, and the various methods you can use to improve your results.

Category: 2014
Written by: Nick Jack
Hits: 1984

This is a question I am regularly asked, and like many things to do with health and fitness there is no definitive answer that works for everyone. Some people will do better changing workouts regularly, whereas others will see poor results from continual change and need to stick to the same program for a longer period of time. It all depends on the person’s goals, the objective of the workout, and the ability and skill of the person working out. Beginners will often benefit from sticking to the same program for a while and remaining consistent with the same exercises so they can learn from their mistakes. Whereas, more advanced trainers will see better results with more constant change to avoid falling into a plateau. Too much, or too little change can have a negative effect on the training results, so trying to find the perfect balance is important. In this article, I will try to explain how I know when to change the workout and some little tricks to add subtle changes to your workout without changing the whole program.

Category: 2014
Written by: Nick Jack
Hits: 2584

This is part two of the series of articles looking at migraines and headaches. In part one I looked closely at what are the common triggers and causes of migraine attacks are so you can begin to modify your lifestyle habits or seek help in the areas that may be contributing to your problem. If you have not read part one, make sure you go back and read that now as this will help you understand how to correctly use the various strategies we are about to discuss. In this article, we look closely at the value of exercise, diet, sleep, breathing, and your ability to control stress for preventing a migraine attack. 
