When you have been exercising for a long time it is easy to get distracted by new and exciting exercises and lose sight of the fundamentals. While it is important to regularly change your training program you need to be careful of falling into the trap of looking for the latest thing. Sometimes the simple exercises provide the biggest gains, and allow you to maximise your full potential. A few years ago I wrote an article that rated the 20 most common exercises to see which exercises are the best and worst to use for improving strength and fitness. Previously I only looked at exercises that were commonly known, meaning I left out many great movements that I regularly use for myself and with others. In this article, I wanted to discuss some of these lesser known exercise variations that I have found to be game changers with people of all ages and abilities.
Every fortnight I email a newsletter to explain something about health and fitness that you most likely didn't know so you can enhance your training or make some positive changes with your health using little time or effort. Sometimes I might look at a series of new exercises or spend time explaining what the correct technique is so you can execute your work-outs more effectively. Other times I like to look in more detail at nutrition or lifestyle habits and debunk some of the myths that circulate in the community such as what's better for your health exercise or nutrition? One thing I have not discussed all that often is how to structure a training program and how to use different advanced methods like SUPERSETS to improve your results. In this article, I will discuss why this is such a great way to structure your training and how it applies to many different objectives and needs.
This is an interesting question I am asked almost every week and I am sure most of you would know that the answer is that you need to complete both in order to be healthy. Many would argue it is more to do with your diet and your nutrition habits, in particular with losing weight. I myself have often said that if you want to lose the belly fat and look good look you really need to look more at your diet. However, there are several problems with looking at health with this narrow mind set and ignoring the incredible health benefits of exercise that you simply cannot get from eating quality food. To achieve your optimal health level you must find the perfect balance between eating healthy and exercise and avoid the trap of thinking one can outweigh the other. Some of the long held beliefs relating to this question may be holding you back, and in this article I will challenge your current thinking to help you to find what could be the missing ingredient to your quest for great health and fitness.