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Category: 2014
Written by: Nick Jack
Hits: 2082

I recently published one of the biggest articles I have ever written about how the lock-downs have weakened our immune system and made us more vulnerable to illness and disease. If ever there was a time when we needed to focus on our health it is right now, yet the Government and the media are completely ignoring the importance of educating the community about eating well and exercise. Some people in the media claim we do not need gyms and you can easily get in shape in your own home and save a ton of money. I can tell you from from being in the fitness industry for over 15 years I can count on one hand the amount of people who succeed working out in their own home. To think people can work it out themselves is craziness and delusional and you only have to look at the statistics of people putting on weight during the lock-down to confirm this. Anyway I hope you enjoy reading this info-graphic and it provides you with the information you need to improve your health.

Category: 2014
Written by: Nick Jack
Hits: 2660

For almost 16 years I have dedicated my career to helping people improve their health using simple methods of eating quality nutrition and exercising. And if ever there was a time we needed to devote our energy and focus on all the things that are associated with improving our health it is right now. Yet, during this COVID-19 pandemic our governments, the media, and especially our medical experts barely give a mention to anything about what to do with regards to healthy eating or exercise as we have been convinced that there is nothing that can be done until there is a vaccine. The worst part is the severe lock-downs that we have been subjected to have decreased our health substantially, and as a result increased the amount of people who would be classified as vulnerable. The complete ignorance and neglect of anything to do with building up our health during this time is a real concern and the long term effects of this approach will be seen for years to come.

Category: 2014
Written by: Nick Jack
Hits: 2668

Salmon is one of the most nutritious and healthiest foods that we should include in our diet and it is no great surprise that salmon is rated by many as one of the big super-foods. The reason it is rated so highly is that it is loaded with nutrients like Omega 3 that are important for reducing risk factors with several diseases. But it is not just its health benefits that attracts many people, it is also a very tasty fish, easy to cook, and versatile in that it can be enjoyed for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. In this article our nutrition expert Mel explains in great detail the amazing benefits of including salmon in your diet. Enjoy.
