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Category: 2014
Written by: Nick Jack
Hits: 28811

Out of all the injuries to work with, shoulder and neck pain would be the most difficult. There is just so many factors at play, it can lead you a wild goose chase as to what is the problem and you could be using exercises and treatments that aggravate the problem instead of correcting it. Shoulder and neck is also extremely common these days with the evolution of more sedentary office jobs forcing people to sit for long hours, and without corrective program to address postural and movement imbalances, a simple tight shoulder can turn very quickly into a much worse condition that can last a very long time. Physical therapy, massage, acupuncture, and various other soft tissue release treatments are all great strategies to begin with and they may even get you out of pain, but they will not resolve your problem for good. Why? Because it is only a part of the problem, you still need to address the movement and stability requirements of all the moving parts around the shoulder. Ask any good Chiropractor what frustrates them the most with their patients who never seem to improve and they will tell you that they do not do the corrective exercises they need to do to hold the adjustment. We have been so conditioned to react to injuries by using pain relief methods, not look at why you got the problem in the first place. This article we show you what the 3 Key things you need to do to ensure your treatment holds and you get rid of your pain for good.

Category: 2014
Written by: Nick Jack
Hits: 35818

If you have been going to gym for some time, or if you have a knee problem you will know all about the importance of being able to SQUAT. The squat, along with the deadlift, is one of the most common leg exercises to the strength and conditioning world, and regarded as one of the "king" movements in the gym. It is also very popular in the rehabilitation field, for the amazing benefits it can provide to not only your legs, but your entire body with regards to posture, core stability and better movement control. When you develop a great movement pattern with the squat you improve any movement sharing the same timing, such as jumping which is why it is a favorite of sports coaches around the world. But it also improves the strength of muscles around the knee and the timing of standing up out of a chair, or climbing up stairs and many everyday tasks which are usually very difficult for people with knee pain, explaining why the health and rehabilitation field love it so much. There are so many ways you can do this great exercise, which one is the best? Well there is no one that is good for all of us, (besides maybe the single leg squat), there is only the best one for you and knowing which one this is, can be just as important as learning the execution and technique. This article we look at 7 of our best squats to use to help build strong legs that will be bulletproof to injury.

Category: 2014
Written by: Nick Jack
Hits: 23635

Strength training and sports specific conditioning has really evolved rapidly over the past 10-15 years as many coaches and athletes search for better ways to train and get every little bit of potential from their body. Yet there is a huge gap in knowledge between elite professional athletes and the amateur or even semi professionals, especially when it comes to deciding what exercises to use. Far too many programs and methods are based on body building methods, whose purpose is to look good in a mirror, not to move efficiently or powerfully for sports. And the use of so called "core workouts" with endless abdominal workouts is equally disastrous to any sporting enthusiast, which is ironic as they are used to prevent injury and only end up in creating one! Where do you start? Well there is endless exercises, methods and programs to use, the key is to understand the principles of how to choose exercises that right for you using a simple process I am going to share with you from our Sports Specific program in this article.
