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Category: 2014
Written by: Nick Jack
Hits: 10232

Knee injuries are so common, and not just for sportspeople, this type of injury and pain is prevalent among young, old, active and inactive people. The most successful treatments are the ones that address the cause of the pain and problem and go about strengthening and stabilizing the joints, muscles and improving overall coordination and movement skill. Knee braces can be very useful if used in conjunction with exercises and movements used to correct the weakness or dysfunction. However they are relatively useless in helping your knee pain go away, without using a corrective exercise program. The same is true for anti inflammatory medication and even surgery! All of these common forms of treating your pain are not really dealing with the cause of the problem, they are merely just treating the symptoms. This article we will look at exactly what braces and sleeves are, how best to use them, and also what you need to do to get rid of your pain for good so you don't need to wear a sleeve anymore.

Category: 2014
Written by: Nick Jack
Hits: 57458

This is an interesting question for the answer is both yes and no! Twisting of the lumbar spine is very dangerous and is linked to many painful back injuries with the most common being a disc tear, but rotation of the thoracic spine and the hips is not, and is actually what the body needs. Twisting of the spine is another form of a herniated disc which is usually caused from bending poorly, whereas this is caused from repetitive poor rotation movements. If you think of the disc like an onion with several layers protecting a core in the middle. The outer disc is made of small rings of collagen, and these layers can separate from repetitively twisting the spine allowing the nucleus gel from the middle of the disc to find it's way into the opening between the two layers causing extreme pain and a very lengthy rehabilitation plan. But does this mean we should stop all twisting for fear of this injury? Many experts will tell you yes. But if this were true you would see no tennis players, golfers, baseball, hockey and we would never be able to vacuum our floor! What this really means is you need to stop twisting the lumbar spine and learn how to use the thoracic spine and hips to do the work. Trying to stop yourself using any rotational movement is pure stupidity and to be honest almost impossible, even walking uses rotation. You will have to stiffen up like a robot to stop any type of twisting. What you need to learn is how to rotate correctly and what movements and exercises to avoid. In this article, we will show you how to do this and provide you with a series of movements from easiest to hardest to.

Category: 2014
Written by: Nick Jack
Hits: 62744

I really hate labelling exercises as the "best" as there really is a big variance from person to person, it is impossible to say that 100% of the time this is the best way to go. But this question is asked of me almost every day, and especially for piriformis syndrome. So while I stand by my statement of saying there is no one size fits all exercise that helps everyone, I have found over the past 15 years working with literally hundreds of different cases in our rehabilitation program, a few trends and common factors that can help narrow down the major cause and also the corrective strategies. A very difficult injury to work with for often the real solution is also the same thing can really aggravate the problem! In this article, I am going to share what I have found to be the 4 most common corrective strategies. These tips have been formulated from many of the case studies and successful outcomes of programs we had never tried before. We made a note of these and this helps us with future cases and also was the catalyst for reinventing our assessment procedure. Make sure you check out these case studies by going to our testimonials page. Okay onto the article.
