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Category: 2014
Written by: Nick Jack
Hits: 3565

For a long time I have been discussing the value of using a more integrated and functional approach to strengthening the core, versus the traditional and more popular method of isolating the abdominal muscles with a multitude of floor exercises. My argument has always been that the activation of the abdominal muscles is more consistent with their “true function” when using integrated movements and are more effective at improving movement efficiency and joint stability. The argument against my point is that these exercises may not truly strengthen the muscles of the core to their full potential, leaving you exposed to weakness and injury. You cannot feel your abs burn during a squat or a deadlift but you can during a plank so the plank must be better is the logic most people explain. To put this argument to rest I decided to share with you some important research and studies that have investigated this debate before, and give you my thoughts of how I use this information to guide me with exercise prescription.

Category: 2014
Written by: Nick Jack
Hits: 914

We all know that getting a good night's rest is important for your body, as is eating healthy and exercising. When you get the right amount of sleep, you manage to maintain optimal health and well-being. Adequate sleep enables you to have enough energy to be productive during the day, which is why there’s a relationship between exercising and sleep. Exercising offers excellent advantages that help us overcome a number of sleeping-related difficulties. Studies show that it can reduce insomnia, stress, and the anxieties that can keep you tossing and turning throughout the night. Weight training in particular requires an enormous amount of energy. If your sleeping patterns are poor, this can greatly affect your workout routine. In this article, you’ll learn the benefits of sleeping sufficiently and how it correlates with your weight training. 

Category: 2014
Written by: Nick Jack
Hits: 4861

In one of my recent articles about daily habits that ruin spinal health I went into great detail explaining how simple, everyday daily movements we make contribute to creating chronic injuries with the back, hips, and neck. One activity I wanted to include in this article was cycling! While this is a great sport or hobby to undertake for improving fitness and endurance it can come at a high price to your overall health and posture if you are not aware of the potential dangers it poses. I myself have been a keen cyclist with road bikes and mountain bikes for over 20 years and love the challenges this sport provides. However, I also acknowledge the damage this unnatural position can cause to my body if I do not look after my joints and muscles effectively. In this article I will explain 3 key areas all cyclists need to pay attention to, and why the pelvic position is of such great importance.
