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Category: 2014
Written by: Nick Jack
Hits: 2468

The modern age of the internet and social media has made access to information extremely fast and easy enabling people to find answers to complex problems at the click of a few buttons. When it comes to injury and rehabilitation, the endless number of videos and articles on the internet has helped people find out how to treat their injury with exercises than ever before. While this sounds like a great progression, and at times it can be, it has also created a new set of problems and a new breed of people who over-analyse and self-diagnose problems based on information that they do not understand. You Tube has been good to me over the years and put me in touch with so many people around the world, but I find I am constantly having to reply to questions about how to use my information correctly and keep it in context of how it was intended to be used. Often I end up making additional videos to explain the things I left out of the original video. Personally I will always prefer a book or a long drawn out article with links to additional information over a video any day, as a book has a series of chapters you must read in order to understand how the author came to their conclusions. In this article, I will explain how videos can help you as long as you understand their place within the corrective exercise journey.

Category: 2014
Written by: Nick Jack
Hits: 4487

When most people think of agility training the first image that pops into their head is some sporting athletes jumping over hurdles and running in speed ladders. While agility is a great training method for sports, it is so much more than that and a very under-valued training method that can provide incredible skills to our body. Far too many people avoid using agility exercises for they lack coordination and have never been great at sports. Their fear of looking silly and making a mess of the exercise makes them avoid using this method which is unfortunate for they miss out on the amazing benefits they provide. What you will find out in this article is how valuable this type of training can be to people of all ages and abilities for improving how they move.

Category: 2014
Written by: Nick Jack
Hits: 5351

One of the most confusing and frustrating injuries to rehabilitate is piriformis syndrome. The symptoms of this problem often mimic other injuries and can easily lead to incorrect treatments of the underlying problem as people attempt to relieve their pain. Unfortunately the longer this condition is left untreated at the source the more chronic the pain becomes forcing the body to compensate around the pain. This compensation sets off a chain reaction of other problems that create an ongoing vicious cycle as the body continues to try to avoid pain. Rest is one of the worst things you can do and often rapidly increases the severity of the pain and this is where many people are left feeling desperate and lost as to what to do next. Many of my previous articles relating to piriformis syndrome have focused on corrective exercises and strategies to resolve the problem. But, by far the fastest way to combat this is to identify the original cause or pain trigger and remove it. This article I will show you exactly how to do this and find an answer to this once and for all.
