We quite often see this with clients at 6am who have not eaten breakfast. Many see this as a great strategy to help them lose a bit of weight or body fat. With all the confusion that exists with what nutrition and exercise it is easy to see how people think they are doing the right thing when in fact they are self-sabotaging themselves. So the short answer to the question is very simple. NO. It is not good, in fact working out on an empty stomach will have the reverse effect on your body and slow your metabolism down and end up making you fat instead of lean and toned! Think of this like driving a car around a circuit as fast as you can, but driving with "no fuel in the tank". The car will be using dirt and all sorts of inferior fuel to drive fast, which will mean you will not be driving as fast as you could of if you had of filled the tank before setting off. The body is very much the same. So why do people still adopt this method?
For almost every lower limb injury and lower back problem I work with in my studio there is close relationship with this person having weak gluteal muscles! For such massive muscles, they are also very lazy and dysfunctional creating a multitude of problems if their weakness is left unaddressed. The good news is many people are aware of this and try to find ways to improve the strength of their glutes. Unfortunately, many people cause more problems by isolating our glutes with all types of weird exercises that create more problems than they solve. Even though at times we might train individual muscles in the gym, in reality, for any kind of daily life movement it is the way the muscles work together, rather than in isolation, that makes the difference. And if there are broken or weak links, as a result of unbalanced training, injury or poor technique, the rest of the muscles will be affected and will work poorly. In this article, I will explain the correct way to restore strength to this muscle group to not only restore dysfunctional movement and eliminate compensation causing pain, but improve sporting performance and overall power.
Stretching is one of those activities most people neglect in their health and fitness programs. To get better results from your stretching program you need to have a plan built around STRETCHING ONLY WHAT NEEDS TO BE STRETCHED! Most rarely take time to do it even though they workout for 60-90 minutes! You need to have a plan of identifying what muscles to stretch as stretching everything will create more problems than it solves! The other thing that is often missed and is arguably more important, is you MUST follow up your mobility work with a stability correction. This short article explains why.