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Circuit Training

Training in groups can be a more motivating and focused way to achieve your fitness goals than by going it alone in the gym or attending large choreographed group workout classes that are the same week in, week out. In order for you to create change in your body, you need new and exciting challenges that are realistic to achieve and constantly requiring new skills and abilities.

Not only do the clients learn new skills and methods for improving fitness, strength & melting fat, but the group bonds together to create accountability, motivation and more importantly… great fun. We know from our extensive training and years of experience that the sense of camaraderie which comes in-built with our group training sessions not only makes our workouts enjoyable but produces better results too – and, after all, that’s what really counts here at No Regrets.

These sessions cater for beginners as well as seriously challenging the more experienced and skilled fitness enthusiast.

When & Where Are Our Classes:


• Monday 6pm & Thursdays at 630pm
• Thursdays at 6am


We mix between indoor and outdoor exercises. All sessions are indoors so we can utilize a lot of the equipment. These are at our studio 10/18-20 Redland Drive Mitcham.


8 Sessions / 4 Weeks = $160 or $25 for a single session.

What Is Our Training Like?

At No Regrets our Group Training sessions are a lot different to what you would expect. These sessions are designed around the same advanced, scientifically proven methods we use in our one on one training, because we know they get results.

We do not use the typical “Junk Style” of training that you commonly see in Bootcamp sessions today, with endless burpees, crunches and push ups etc. This type of training, apart from ruining people and setting them up for all types of repetitive injury, simply does not get results.

The “go hard, go home” style of training places more stress onto people than they can handle. Too much stress is one of the biggest reasons people gain weight in the first place! The other factor that is a real problem for most people is lack of time!

What people need is exercise that is challenging, fun, and highly effective at building muscle, fitness and time efficient without adding more stress. This is what our training is all about. We use circuit training style of training built around integrated functional strength training exercises to give the participants a “big bang for their buck”, but teaching the body how to move correctly for life’s demands.

By utilizing multi-joint integrated movements we teach great movement skills and build immense core strength whilst at the same time melting fat and improving fitness.

Looking for a do-it-all workout that strengthens muscles, improves fitness and burns a whole load of calories – a truly functional workout?

We call this our MELT Session (Metabolic Enhanced Lifestyle Training). This type of workout is a system of exercise which covers all entire fitness bases in one simple, very challenging, workout. When we exercise, oxygen carrying blood is diverted to the working muscles preferentially. This ‘shunting’ of blood requires an increase in workload by the cardiovascular system heart and lungs.

Our circuit training, is designed around this principle, as we immediately perform an exercise for a different muscle group, oxygenated blood has to be pumped to the new area of the body and the cardiovascular system again bears the brunt of the work.

By strategically selecting complex movement patterns that require multiple abilities at once, there is an abnormally high amount of muscle groups activated forcing the heart and lungs have to work harder than ever to sustain the effort. It feels like cardio training even though no actual cardiovascular exercise is being performed.

The key is to include as many of the foundation movement patterns such as Squat, Lunge, Bend, Twist, Push and Pull with abilities like Balance, Speed, Power, Strength, Agility, Coordination and Endurance. This is also a key part of our sports program that we incorporate into our group sessions because we know this works for athletes.

Keep in mind we have a beginners induction period where they learn these new exercises safely.

The greater the number of movement patterns and abilities involved, the more effective the workout.

What About Technique?

While the workouts we just showed you are great fun and can get your heart rate going like crazy, you MUST have good form. We spend a lot of time doing workouts slower and controlled to ensure that you learn and MASTER each new exercise we show you. We know technique better than anyone.

This is why our One on One Personal Training program is has earned our reputation for excellence with functional training and rehabilitation amongst many of the local health practitioners. And while we aim to deliver the best group training experience you have ever had, we know it must stick to the principles of good technique to avoid injury but also get the most out of your body.

We also provide bi-weekly email newsletters with video tips and articles on many of the complex topics, exercises and questions circulating in the gym. This way we know you can complete our intense programs with full confidence and take your training to a new level. We use slow motion video capture with split screen feedback to provide you with the best advice on how to get your exercises correct every time.

Watch the video below about exercise technique to see more on this.

The Scientific research has shown that working out in a group makes you more likely to stick with your fitness program, avoid making excuses and get your workouts done. For the person who is time poor and needs to get every last drop out of the little time they have, this type of training is perfect for maximizing the return on your effort.

We’re completely confident in our ability to provide the “gold standard” of health and fitness training and people of all ages, backgrounds and fitness levels are welcome. The “progressive programming” of the No Regrets Functional Circuit Training is perfect for beginners and advanced fitness enthusiasts alike.

Please fill in the form below if you are looking for Group Training with a real challenge. Trust me you won’t be disappointed.

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Stronger For Longer

Seniors Group Strength & Fitness Exercise Training

Heading into the later years of your life can be an exciting time. Retirement is on the cards, you may have been blessed with grandchildren or you may want to hit the road and explore what this beautiful country has to offer.

It can, however, be a time where fear can creep into your life. You may be on numerous medications for different conditions, struggling with aches and pains, or feel isolated because you no longer have the confidence in your body to participate in social activities such as golf or even walking. You may worry about what the future holds and if you’ll be well enough to simply enjoy life.

Family, friends and the media often tell us that aches, pains and increasing amounts of medications are a ‘normal’ part of getting older. I am here to tell you that it NOT normal and you CAN thrive in your older years.

It Starts With Having A Good Plan

You just need a good plan based on proven methods and techniques that are helping hundreds of people in their late 70’s do everything they want do in life.

This is what our Stronger For Longer Group Training program is all about and we can show you proof of real clients who train with us today doing incredible activities and exercises without fear and limitation.

Watch the video of Laurie Ford a client of ours who is 87 years old this year who trains in the Stronger For Longer class twice a week.

The Most Important Question To Ask An Older Adult If They Are Not Sure If They Need To Exercise

When I talk to older people about the need to come and do some training with us, and they tell me they are too old, or they don’t need it, I ask them these questions.

Which of these two possible scenarios do you prefer?
1. One, you live to 100 years but during the last 10 years you cannot care for yourself and must rely on family, aids, healthcare workers, etc?
2. Or two, you may only live to 85 or 90 years BUT they are fully capable and healthy right up until the day that they die suddenly in their sleep?

I have never had anyone yet choose option #1. They always choose #2.

So one of our primary goals as Personal Trainers in Melbourne area is to maximize functional capacity and see if we can alter a person’s aging trajectory so that they can maintain optimal function and quality of life. The current method most people are told is to go for a 30 minute walk once a day?

Although great to do, this will not make any significant difference at all.

The key is to improve strength by adding muscle, but not the way that most people think of, like some muscle bound guy like Arnie getting squashed on a bench press.

It is all about improving Functional strength.

These are exercises that mimic daily activities and for older adults will require certain levels of balance, coordination and even agility.
Watch the video below to see Laurie complete several examples of this.

Strength Training Is Critical For The Older Adult

Why do some people in their 70’s move so easily and still play golf and even run, yet other people of the same age are restricted to a walking frame or wheelchair?

Is it due to bad luck or genetics that some people are chronically disabled early and some are not?

In some cases it may be the case but very rarely. I have seen people in the 60’s recover from spinal cord injuries and severe car accidents with partial paralysis be able to recover and complete push ups, lift 60kg deadlifts and walk upstairs unassisted with ease! It was not luck they recovered as they spent considerable time to rehabilitating their body by rebuilding their stability, strength and movement.

I have also seen people in their 60’s with no previous injury or accident be placed in wheelchairs and barely able to get out of a chair!

The danger of Sarcopenia, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, and bone density loss contributing to falls cannot be overstated, and these factors can be well managed and even prevented by applying a well-designed strength training program. Peak bone mass is reached at around 25 years of age and normally remains relatively stable until around the age of 50. However after the age of 50, progressive losses of bone mineral density begins to occur and as bones lose their density, becoming weaker the risk of fracture during regular activities increases.

Resistance training can actually increase calcium flow and allow muscles in older adults to perform like muscles many years younger.

Research has found that multi directional exercises with load improve bone density and bone strength faster due to the fact that they incorporate so many of the structural lines needed for everyday life moving. By forcing challenges with these exercises with either load or speed these lines adapt and create a structural change to the bones.

This is another reason why we must teach senior’s functional exercises like squats, lunges and deadlifts.

Preventing Falls

Hip fractures are the number one cause of nursing home admission. Here is a scary statistic. Approximately 50% of those who suffer a hip fracture never fully regain their mobility and independence and 50% of those die within the first year. Falling for an older adult is a very serious matter, and a life threatening situation. The good news is it can be easily prevented and I will show you exactly how in our program.

Falling caused 31% unintentional injury deaths in 1999, and are the most common cause of nonfatal injuries and hospital admissions for trauma ( 1.6 million treatments, 370,000 hospitalized).

There are many reasons for people losing their ability to maintain optimal stability and balance. We like to term this the “Use it or lose it” theory. This means that they begin to lose abilities and senses due to not using them as much. As we have already discussed, the loss of muscle is a significant contributor here, because as you sense the loss in strength and begin to avoid activities, you now begin to lose skills and other abilities such as balance, agility and co-ordination.

Functional strength and balance go hand in hand. You cannot have one without the other. A slowing of neural conduction speed only really matters because the body’s reflex movement is potentially a slower response time for the initiation of muscular movement. That may put someone at risk of injury when put in a situation of danger. A classic example is in the case of a trip or a slip.

When this occurs a very rapid response must occur so that the individual can adjust their center of gravity, step forward, grab a stationary object, turn or just put their body into a safer position to brace for the fall.

A slowed response can make the difference between an injury or life-threatening incident and a “gee that was close” situation that leaves you believing you were lucky.

What I will show to you here is that it was not luck that saved you, but your ability to move correctly in tune with your nervous system and musculoskeletal system from training it for this day!

It is not luck at all!

This is what we teach you in the Stronger For Longer classes.

Watch the video below to see Laurie complete more exercise examples of this.

When & Where Are The Classes Held?

The classes will run for 60 minutes on Tuesday and Thursday at 10am in our private studio 10 / 18-20 Redland Drive Mitcham.

How Much Do These Sessions Cost?

The sessions are 60 minutes long and cost $20 per class.

To join the class fill in the form below.