CategoriesElbow Pain Scapula Stability

Getting Rid Of Elbow Pain Is All About Scapula Stability

Two of the most difficult areas of the body to try and restore stability and function to when injured are the shoulder and the elbow. The shoulder is such an amazing joint in that it has an incredible amount of mobility and is able to perform some incredibly powerful and dynamic movements. But this awesome mobility comes at a cost, as the stability of the shoulder can be very easily compromised. And when this happens is when injury and pain takes over. Funnily enough, the problems seen with the shoulder and elbow are closely related to the same dysfunction and instability being driven by the scapula. Unfortunately, this is an area often missed with typical treatments for the elbow, as people are fixated on trying to remove the pain. Trying to treat the elbow without addressing the underlying cause is pointless, and in this article, I will explain exactly how you can begin correcting your elbow problem at the source instead of treating symptoms.